Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC)

Latest News

Read this Month's Cooperative Living

Read about how you can participate in Operation Round Up this holiday season, and much more, in the Nov/Dec edition of Cooperative Living.

Apply to Youth Tour Before Jan. 1

Applications for Youth Tour 2025 are open! High school sophomores and juniors won't want to miss this opportunity of a lifetime. Deadline to apply is Jan. 1.

$15.4 Million in CashBack Credits!

Check your December power bill for your CashBack credit, or claim your CashBack refund if you are a former NOVEC member.

Products and Services

What's the Scoop on CashBack? 

$15.4 million in CashBack for NOVEC customers to enjoy this holiday season! Check your December power bill for your share.

Our Commitment to the Environment

NOVEC is distributing more renewable power today than ever before, and it is using energy more efficiently and helping customers to do the same. In all endeavors, from facility construction to office paper use, NOVEC keeps protection of the environment in mind.

We're Here to Help.

Facing financial hardships? Assistance is available.

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